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Writer's pictureGabriel Privett

A Sovereign’s Interview with Governor candidate Mr. Mark Duncan.

   Recently I had the opportunity to interview Mark Duncan, a man who has decided to run for governor of Oregon. This exciting opportunity gave me a chance to ask some very important questions. I will leave a link to the Facebook page regarding his campaign in the description.

   After confirming that I was speaking to the proper person and that he was willing to do an interview I began by asking him:

As governor of Oregon will you recognize and support the citizens who wish to do their duty of abolishing corrupt tyrannically oppressive government by revoking their consent to be governed while exercising their right to organize with their community to form a new government? If not why?

To which he responded with: “I do believe that this government is in fact tyrannical and I do believe that it is the people who need to step up to change it.  I also believe that this nation was supposed to be governed by the people and for the people. The people should never give up their consent to be represented inside our government.  Our constitution is unlike any other constitution in the world because it protects the people from the government instead of protecting the government from the people. I would also say the citizens of this country instead of the people. Because we now have a population of people that are here illegally and they should not and do not have any say legally. I don’t think we need a new government. I think we need to go back to what it was intended to be. I think we must get rid of career politicians and we must replace them with grassroots candidates that will represent the best interests of the citizens of this country.

   I believe that all citizens are and should be created equal and that we are endowed by our creator. I believe that our unalienable rights are under attack. I believe that our right to life is attacked by abortion. I believe that our liberties are being attacked by certain mandates and restrictions. I also believe that our pursuit of happiness is attacked by laws that are an over reach by our so called government. Again we have the right to abolish or to create a new government as long as it keeps the foundation as well as the principles that are set in place to ensure the safety and happiness for future generations to come.” Mr. Mark Duncan candidate for Oregon Governor.

   To which I replied: “I’m honestly a little confused by your philosophy. You say that

‘I believe that all citizens are and should be created equal and that we are endowed by our creator. I believe that our unalienable rights are under attack’

But you also believe that:

‘I would also say the citizens of this country instead of the people. Because we now have a population of people that are here illegally and they should not and do not have any say legally.’

   You claim there is a population of people here illegally but you also claim to believe all were created with the same inalienable rights as yourself. Wouldn’t this mean you’d support their right to form their own government? Claiming these people are here illegally and using it to justify taking away their God given rights is not a tyrannical oppression of their rights?”

   Mr. Duncan response was: “I believe that a nation with no borders is a nation without sovereignty. I believe in an immigration policy that allows immigrants to be here legally. I think that if your first act in this country is to break our immigration laws than you have no business being here. There has been many times that this country has acknowledged the sovereignty of previously controlled but now independent nations. I believe that by allowing people who are here illegally and have no true allegiance to this country to have an input… we are asking other countries to run this one.  I believe that people from other countries should stand up for their rights in their own countries and we as the worlds beacon of freedom should support them in doing so.

Thank you for the link to your channel. I will show it as well.”

   At this point I couldn’t help but point of that this man failed to answer my question: “With no offense intended you did not answer my question. To reiterate, claiming these people are here illegally as a means to justify taking away their rights is not tyrannical oppression? As we all have the God given, inalienable, right to travel (to immigrant) is it not a tyrannical oppression to take away their God given, inalienable, right to form a government that is to their best interests? Why do you believe you have the authority to effect their life, their liberty and their pursuit of happiness without their consent?

   Again Mr. Duncan deflects by stating: “No it is not tyrannical oppression because in order for it to be tyrannical oppression there would have to be no means legally to become a legal citizen. However, we do in fact have a legal means for legal immigration. So no… in my opinion it is not tyrannical oppression. America does recognize everybody’s God given right to immigrate to this country. We do so by providing a system that properly vets the people who choose to migrate to this country. We must determine the difference between a person seeking asylum and a person looking to commit acts of terrorism or illegal acts.

Now if you are asking me if people who are unidentified, unannounced and unsavory should have the right to overhaul this government in order to place a system where mob rule wins out and the republic in which we stand for is lost. Then, no they do not have the right to over run our system.

We have laws in place especially fundamental laws that prevent this nation from loosing its sovereignty and it is that sovereignty that provides us as legal citizens of this country to do so needed to protect our rights, our freedoms and our liberties.”

And so I battered Mr. Duncan with a volley of questions designed to show him the error of his ways: “As governments get their power from the consent of the citizens of a free country how is it not tyrannical oppression for said government to make laws that control who may and may not be a citizen of said free country? When one is compelled by men with guns to pay before they may exercise their rights are they not being tyrannically oppressed? Why should anyone have to pay to exercise any of their rights?”

Mr. Duncan decided to end the interview at this point and declined further comments. I’ll leave a link below to a video that contains the complete unedited conversation. Together we are strong!

Uncensored/unedited conversation:

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