In the face of bluecoats violating the rights of the innocent, relying on an unjust system for accountability is no longer acceptable. The phrase “fight it in court” is often heard parroted vehemently in regard to police officer behaving tyrannically in the streets. ‘Fight it in court' echoes, but can we trust a system that often falls short in serving justice to those who behave tyrannically in the streets? Our forefathers, when faced with Redcoats' oppression in 1776, understood the futility of seeking justice within the oppressor's court.
It is time for us to forge new court systems within our communities, dedicated to defending the rights of the innocent, irrespective of affiliations. Empowered by our collective capabilities, we can establish new governments that prioritize our best interests. Leading by example, we demonstrate the myriad benefits of independent, free communities collaborating to ensure the exercise of our rights, deliver justice, and fulfill our needs.
Remember, together we are strong! Just as our forefathers ended oppressive regimes during the American Revolution, we too shall overcome the challenges posed by bluecoats in 2024. Fear shall no longer dictate our actions. The longer bluecoats go unopposed, the more we disrespect the sacrifices made for future generations' freedom. We cannot allow these sacrifices to be in vain.
The time has come for the people to rise, reclaim our rights, and serve justice to those responsible for reducing the proletariat into despotism. Let us prove that the current tyrannically oppressive regime, labeled as a government, cannot control us. Organizing ourselves, we shall defend our freedom and exercise our rights without fear of consequences.