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Writer's pictureGabriel Privett

Illegal immigration does not exist!

  To fully comprehend the utter foolishness of the notion of illegal immigration we must throughly understand certain concepts. Namely what a government is and where it gets its power. Knowing some of our innumerable God given rights as sovereigns is key in gaining a proper understanding of the tyrannical oppression that is illegal immigration.

  1. Government is just a fancy word for referring to a group of men and women consenting to be governed by a specific constitution. Generally one written by themselves.

  2. Governments, or groups of men and women consenting to be governed by a specific constitutions, get their power from the consent of the governed.

  3. No government may compel free innocent people into obeying said government’s legislations as that would be a violation of their right to liberty.

  4. No government may effect our life, our liberty, or our pursuit of happiness without our consent should we be causing harm and loss to only ourselves. Should we violate the rights of the innocent we may be held accountable. We do not need to violate the rights of innocent people to serve justice to those who are accountable for violating the rights of the innocent.

  5. We have the right to remain sovereign of governments. We have the right to travel. We have the right to form new governments that have our best interests at heart so long as we do not effect the life, the liberty, and the pursuit of happiness of others without their consent. Utilizing our fair share of this planets natural resources to produce a cash crop that we can exchange on the market for things we cannot produce ourselves.

   As we are all created equal, as we are all endowed by our creator with certain unalienable rights, among which is the right to travel, no group of men and women consenting to be governed by a certain constitution may effect our life, our liberty, and our pursuit of happiness without our consent by legislating laws and using force to prevent us from traveling ere we pay them. Forcing us against our will to pay ere we may travel, utilizing our own means, by claiming it is illegal is objectively immoral tyrannical oppression. We justly must defend ourself from such theft, but I digress.

   As no group of men and women consenting to be governed by a certain constitution created the earth no group of men and women consenting to be governed by a certain constitution may oppresse another’s right to travel. To say we have the right to stop people from traveling because some may come to victimize us is to victimize the innocent for the actions of a few, which is an objectively immoral tyrannical oppression for none should be punished for the actions of others. It is an objectively immoral tyrannical oppression to protect ourselves in a way that intentionally causes harm and loss to innocent people.

   To reiterate I would like to ask these questions to any and all who believe we should “build the wall”: Claiming these people are here illegally as a means to justify taking away their rights is not tyrannical oppression? As we all have the God given, inalienable, right to travel (to immigrant) is it not a tyrannical oppression to take away their God given, inalienable, right to form a government that is to their best interests? Why do you believe you have the authority to effect their life, their liberty and their pursuit of happiness without their consent?

   Together we can help these people who are so desperately in need of our succor. We must not continue to stand idly by watching while evil runs rampant. Always remember that together we are strong.

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