The federal government may not own vast tracks of land as that effects the rights of the innocent without their consent by preventing them from utilizing the land for production, we should not be compelled to pay ere we utilize natural resources no one else is. A government claiming vast tracks of land and forcing the innocent to pay for its utilization is a violation of our rights. Utilizing land no one else is as to produce a commodity to trade in order to satisfy our wants and needs is our birthright as we have the God given right to life.
The government may not claim more natural resources than they need to produce for their people as doing so restricts my access to the means of production without my consent and therefore evidences a design to reduce us into absolute despotism. Because I am in need I have the right to access these natural resources. We should not be compelled into accepting that the only means to provide for our families is to have our labor exploited by the capitalist class when we are more than capable of working together by utilizing the natural resources we have a birth right to. By working together as a community to produce cash crops, sharing in the wealth we create, we could easily provide our communities with their wants and needs.
In one of the bravest displays of patriotism a man named Cliven Bundy took a stand against the federal government’s tyrannical control over the means of production by refusing to pay for the right to allow his cattle to grace on land not be utilized by others in what’s is know as the Bundy standoff. Despite being correct that his right to life entitles him to utilize his fair share of the natural resources this planet has to offer the federal government proved they do not have our best interests at heart by using force to compel him into obedience. The federal and state government do not care to protect the rights of innocent people, they care only to protect the profits of the capitalist class. We are free to have our labor exploited by the capitalist class, to use our measly wage to go get our ration of food from the grocery store, and to make more slaves with whoever we like. We sure are free.
As members of the police and military are paid, by our taxes, to enforce the laws that have been legislated without our consent, laws that effect the rights of the innocent, they are tyrants. They are responsible for tyranny and therefore they may not justly claim to be innocent.
We must hold them accountable for their actions as to make an example out of them lest future generations have to suffer such villains. Joining these corrupted organizations is not an option for those who wish to righteously defend the rights of the innocent and to hold tyrants accountable for their actions. I do not want the type of protection the government offers as it means the violation of the rights of the innocent. How can I believe that my rights are being protected when the innocent’s rights are not?
Our right to life means we have a right to the means of production, in this case land not being utilized by others, the current governments compelling us to pay ere we may utilize such is a violation of our right to life to say the least. Our only option to provide for ourselves and our families should not be the exploitation of our labor in exchange for Monopoly money. In exchange for a wage that will never satisfy all of our wants and needs. We are capable of working together to produce valuables, like cash crops or cattle, to trade for other valuable commodities. The utilization of USD as a sole currency is not to our best interests for it serves only to give the capitalist class a means of control over, and the gatekeeping of, our rights through high prices and expense. Together we are strong!