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Reclaiming Liberty from the Grip of Fiat Currency

Writer's picture: Gabriel PrivettGabriel Privett

   When the highest court fails to protect our constitutional rights, and a government oversteps its bounds, patriots must rise to fulfill their duty to alter and abolish such oppressive regimes. As stewards of freedom, we cannot remain passive witnesses to the tyranny that befalls the innocent; instead, we must organize to defend those who cannot protect themselves, especially the generations to come. It is our patriotic duty to resist unjust laws and hold government officials accountable for their attempts to violate the rights of the innocent.

   Before delving deeper, we must scrutinize how both state and federal governments, along with the Supreme Court, have violated our rights without our consent. This article highlights three egregious examples that alone justify our call for retribution: punishing innocent people for others' actions, the government's theft by reaching into our pockets without consent, and the systematic reduction of the proletariat into absolute despotism by infringing upon our right to liberty. Join the clarion call for justice and restoration of our fundamental rights.

   In understanding our plight, we must first acknowledge the shackles that bind us. The essence of liberty is the freedom to act in our best interests, engaging in endeavors that bring no harm or loss to others. This includes the utilization of our fair share of natural resources to cultivate cash crops for trade and barter—an age-old practice embraced by our forefathers. However, our right to liberty is now under siege, as governments enact laws that coerce us into relying solely on USD for our wants and needs.

   The insistence on a single currency diminishes us, ushering us toward absolute despotism by controlling our ability to create valuable goods and dictating access to essential materials through exorbitant pricing. This gatekeeping strategy, seen in various facets of our lives from gun control to travel restrictions, belies the fundamental principles of a free society.

   Money, often said not to grow on trees, is a fiction we debunk through the historical proof of our ancestors, who produced cash crops as a testament to their ingenuity. Yet, in the present, we find ourselves coerced into a system where our labor is exploited by a capitalist class, receiving nothing in return but fiat currency—a mass-deluded form of value.

   As sane and rational individuals, we must question the lunacy of participating in such a system. We possess the inherent right to demand value, be it in the form of gold or silver, in exchange for our labor. The right to labor for ourselves, cultivating cash crops for trade and barter, is a birthright we must reclaim. We retain the right to exchange valuable goods, refusing to partake in an insane system that trades worthless Monopoly money for life's essentials. Our labor, our skills, our creations—they are worth more than mere paper, and it is time to break free from the chains of this distorted reality.

   In scrutinizing our government's mandates, we unveil a system that infringes upon the rights of innocent citizens, particularly in the realm of travel regulations. Compelling individuals to pay for a driver's license, license plates, and insurance before utilizing their own property to travel is a blatant violation of the Fourth Amendment, imposing undue punishment on the innocent for the actions of a few.

   Our security in personal effects is compromised when armed representatives of the government demand unreasonable searches and seizures, based solely on the refusal to display evidence of payment. While acknowledging the potential dangers of driving, it remains unjustifiable to subject individuals to the coercion of armed enforcement, contrary to the principles of a free society.

   Drawing a parallel to other potentially hazardous activities, such as practicing at a gun range or training in martial arts, reveals a stark contrast in our approach. In these scenarios, individuals are not compelled to obtain licenses or insurance beforehand; rather, accountability comes after an irresponsible act. The same principles should apply to travel, preserving the inherent right of free, innocent men to engage in potentially dangerous activities responsibly.

   The imposition of insurance requirements further compounds the punishment of the innocent for the actions of others. Rather than addressing the root cause of damages and holding those responsible accountable, we subject everyone to financial penalties, perpetuating a cycle of injustice. The question we should be asking is not how to punish the innocent but why certain individuals are unable to fulfill their responsibilities. It is essential to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to provide for themselves adequately and rectify their mistakes without unnecessary obstacles.

   This issue is but one facet of the broader problem where the innocent are routinely punished for the actions of others. It is time to remove the blinders and recognize the multitude of ways our society perpetuates these injustices, fostering an environment where accountability is targeted, fair, and conducive to the well-being of all citizens.

   For generations, our state and federal governments have perpetuated an egregious violation of our rights, reaching into our pockets daily without our consent. The insidious nature of this theft, ranging from property taxes to income taxes, not only depletes our hard-earned resources but also fuels the machinery of enforcement – the police and military.

   Our security in personal effects is compromised when the government engages in this financial expropriation to fund those wielding authority. Paying taxes becomes increasingly deplorable when we consider the lack of transparency in how our funds are utilized. The opaque nature of government spending leaves citizens in the dark, unknowingly contributing to actions and initiatives that may run counter to their values and principles.

   Refusing to remain passive spectators to this fiscal injustice is crucial. Standing idly by while our hard-earned money fuels actions we may vehemently oppose makes us complicit in the very evils we seek to eradicate. To maintain our innocence, we must refuse to fund what we do not fully comprehend.

   The current system, perpetuating this cycle of fiscal injustice, demands a radical transformation for the sake of the innocent. It is time for a comprehensive overhaul, casting aside the Supreme Court's rulings that have, time and again, violated the rights of the very citizens they are meant to protect. True patriots must unite, demanding transparency, accountability, and a restoration of fiscal justice. Together, we are an unwavering force, capable of breaking the chains that bind us and forging a path toward a more just and transparent future.



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