In the pursuit of justice, the question echoes: where is the guidance for those aspiring to hold evil accountable? In a society seemingly complacent with an imperfect justice system, the absence of modern reference points from our elders leaves those seeking righteousness in a quandary. As the current courts falter in ensuring equal justice, the need for a new paradigm becomes evident. Future generations face a daunting challenge, lacking the guidance and precedents set by their predecessors. This discourse delves into the deficiencies of the current justice system, proposing a call to action for those willing to defend the rights of the innocent.
Where is the guidance?
For those who wish to hold evil accountable for their actions, guidance from our elders is not to be found; we have no modern frame of reference for righteously serving justice when the current courts become complacent. How will future generations be confident in their actions if the previous generations have failed to set any form of example or precedent? The current means for the common man to be served justice equally has failed as it holds the innocent accountable for the actions of others while protecting the truly evil from justice.
Legislation that allows the current governments to reach into the pockets of the innocent, for things like insurance or licensing, without their consent is not only theft but a means of punishing the improvised for the actions of others. By no means is such theft justifiable in a society that claims to be a purveyor of liberty and freedom. Nor can such injustice be allowed to desensitize our normal living conditions for conditions that serve only to reduce us into absolute despotism.
The current court systems have proven they will continue to protect those that violate the rights of the innocent; the time has come for us to take things into our own hands. The time has come to get organized as to defend the rights of the innocent. No longer will our brothers and sisters be subjected to injustice; no longer will the powers that be act with impunity.
As we navigate the deficiencies of the current justice system and grapple with the absence of guidance for those seeking accountability, a clarion call emerges. The injustices perpetuated by legislation and a complacent court system demand a paradigm shift. It's time for a collective awakening, a call to organize and defend the rights of the innocent. No more shall our society tolerate the shielding of evildoers while the innocent bear the burden of misplaced justice. The time for change has arrived, echoing the resounding truth that together, we are strong.