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Writer's pictureGabriel Privett

The Army Values are Impossible to Live Up to as an American Soldier.

  Today we are going to examine the army values as they are excellent examples of modern doublethink held by otherwise rational men and women. These words are beautiful and inspiring, however the ideals held in the the army values are not followed by those who swear to them. For truly following the army values would mean UCMJ punishment. For those of you not familiar with the army values I would like to take a moment to familiarize you with them.

Army values:




Selfless service



Personal courage

   One of the most prominent pieces of propaganda to be viewed by future soldiers at BCT are various versions of posters listing the army values, values that are impossible to live up to as an American soldier. LDRSHIP is the acronym used to help these new soldiers remember these values. These letters, in order, represent the follow words. Loyalty, duty, respect, selfless service, honor, integrity, and personal courage.

   Morally speaking our loyalty must be to our fellow man, our fellow solider, before a corrupt government. How are soldiers being loyal to their fellow soldiers when they are turning a blind eye to the fact that they do not have the freedoms and liberties they allegedly fight for daily? The amount of freedom a solider has is unacceptable. The brave men and women who fight, and possibly die, for the freedom of others deserve the same freedoms they are fighting for! George Washington and his militia did not give their lives so that future generations of soldiers would have less rights than they did, such an insult would mean their deaths are in vain. One such right our soldiers lack is their God given right to freedom of speech. If these people are proving they are not even willing to defend their own rights, let alone the rights of their fellow soldiers, why should I trust that they are willing to defend mine? If they have no loyalty to their fellow soldiers why should I believe they have any loyalty towards me? Their loyalty has been bought for a measly paycheck. I would not seek loyalty from those who sell theirs so quickly and without hesitation.

    As patriots of a free country we have a duty to abolish corrupt governments, how can this duty be preformed by those who currently claim to be soldiers? Why is it not a duty to protect their fellow soldier’s, and our fellow man’s, rights from tyrannical oppression? Why are those who claim to be soldiers failing us in this respect? Why do we allow our fellow soldiers to be oppressed by threat of the ucmj? Is it really respectful to just sit aside and watch as our brothers and sisters have their freedom taken away? The answer is simply because todays soldiers have no duty or intention of defending our God given rights. The current tyrannically oppressive regime we call a government has no interest in ensuring our rights are accurately represented let alone defended. The foolish people who call themselves soldiers fail us in their patriotic duties.

   I see no selfless service in ignoring the oppression of the rights of the innocent. What is selfless about blind obedience to a corrupt tyrannically oppressive regime? Perhaps if soldiers had their right to freedom of speech this could be properly addressed and corrected, alas that is but a pipe dream for soldiers lack the confidence to preform such a selfless service like standing up to an oppressive authority.

   Nor can it be honorable to do nothing about this tyranny. What is honorable about failing to lead by example as a patriot of a free country? Absolutely nothing. Nothing is honorable about joining a cult that is responsible for compelling the innocent into obeying laws that reduce them into absolute despotism. Being the boot on the neck of the innocent is the least honorable thing one could do.

   Integrity is being ignored completely, there is nothing honest about standing idly by while the rights of those you've sworn to defend are violated. Violated by the very one swearing to do the right thing even when no one is looking. If these soldiers truly wanted to demonstrate their integrity they would not be intimidated into silence by corruption. They would not be intimidated into standing on the necks of free innocent men.

   There is absolutely no personal courage in allowing this to continue. There is nothing courageous about allowing cowardice to prevail. These people are not brave in any way shape or form as their actions serve only to oppress the rights of the innocent, not protect them.

   Fortunately our forefathers foresaw the inevitability that our government would attempt to tyrannically oppress us. And so they left for us wise words so that we may know to never be compelled by corrupt tyrannically oppressive governments into obeying laws that effect our rights. They showed us the meaning of liberty and freedom for all and todays society fails to live up to their standards.

   In conclusion those who claim to adhere to the army values are not. Though the philosophical ideals in the army values are beautiful it is not possible for a soldier to truly live by them and therefore they serve only as doublethinking propaganda to pacify one’s conscience at best. There is only one way to live up to such high standards and that is by working together to ensure our rights are accurately represented and protected. This will once more be the home of the brave and the land of the free should we recognize that together we are strong.

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