Throughout history, the righteous have relied on warriors to safeguard their way of life, communities, and traditions. In this context, a warrior fights impartially for the rights of all within their community, distinct from a soldier who, taking payment from a government, compels innocence into obeying unjust legislations.
As warfare evolves, so must our warriors. Traditional weapons forged traditional warriors, but today's unconventional weaponry targets the mind. These modern weapons aren't designed for control through violence; instead, they dominate minds through indoctrination, propaganda, and misinformation.
To combat these tactics, today's warriors must adapt. The prevalent technique of dividing us by ideology, gender, generation, and class through propaganda must be countered. Despite these divisions, we share common human experiences and should strive to help one another, as Alexander Berkman eloquently put it: "So the whole matter seems to stand this way: You want health, liberty, and well-being. Every one is like yourself in this respect. Therefore, we all seek the same thing in life. Then why should we not all seek it together, by joint effort, helping each other in it?"
Regrettably, joint efforts today often benefit those exploiting our labor through government soldiers enforcing laws against our best interests. Our inability to withstand the deluge of propaganda and misinformation has led to the extinction of true protectors, leaving us with a cultural void, passing down only slavery and despotism to future generations.
Yet, there's hope that rebellious minds can cultivate warriors of the mind. Time will reveal if personal liberty is truly beyond restoration. One certainty is that together, we possess strength.