When the Supreme Court of America fails to accurately represent and defend our constitution and/or our God given human rights (not all of which are expressly stated in the bill of rights according to the 9nth amendment) as patriots of a free country we must recognize that the time has come for us to do our duty of altering and abolishing said government. As patriots of a free country do not stand idly by watching while a corrupt tyrannically oppressive regime oppressives the rights of the innocent, we have no choice but to get organized as to defend those who are incapable of defending themselves, like the future generations. As patriots of a free country do not obey laws/rulings that effect our rights, when they've been made without our consent, we must hold the current government's officials and representatives and loyalists accountable for attempting to violate the rights of the innocent.
But before we go any further we must understand how the current state and federal governments have violated our rights without our consent, we must see how the Supreme Court has fail to defend the rights of innocent people. The examples of such are so numerous we will not be making a comprehensive list of every way the Supreme Court of America has failed to defend the rights of the innocent, opting for three examples that standing alone would justify our retribution. The government punishing innocent people for the actions of others. The theft our government commits daily by reaching into our pockets without our consent. And the the reduction of the proletariat into absolute despotism by violating our right to liberty.
First and foremost I believe we should begin by recognizing how we have become enslaved. Our right to liberty means that we can behave in ways that are to our best interests or however we please so long as we cause harm and loss to only ourselves. For example having the freedom to utilize our fair share of this planets natural resources to produce a cash crop we can trade and barter for our wants and needs. Because the current governments have legislated laws that compel the innocent into utilizing USD solely for the satisfaction of our wants and needs our right to liberty is being violated.
We have the right to trade and barter as we see fit, the government compelling us to utilized USD solely serves only to reduce us into absolute despotism by control our abilities, namely our abilities to produce valuable substances for ourselves as well as controlling what materials we can get ahold of by pricing then highly. This gate keeping strategy is nothing new and is utilized often and abundantly from controlling our guns to controlling our means of travel but I digress.
They say money doesn’t grow on trees but this fiction is far from reality, our forefathers proved otherwise by producing cash crops. Is it not insulting to our intelligence that the only way to provide for ourselves is to have our labor exploited by the capitalist class? To receive less than one tenth of what we produce as our wage? We are receiving literally nothing in return for our labors as USD is a fiat currency that relies on the mass delusion of our society.
As sane rational innocent men we can easily see how it is not to our best interests to participate in such lunacy, we have every right to demand value, like gold or silver, in exchange for our labor and valuables. We have every right to labor for ourselves by produce cash crops to trade and barter for the things we cannot produce ourselves, keeping 100% of what we produce for ourselves. We have the right to exchange valuables for other valuables and to refuse to participate in an insane system that exchanges worthless Monopoly money for renewable valuables (groceries, recreational substances, tools, utilities, ect). Our labor is worth more than paper. Remember what our forefathers once said “But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security.” We may rest assured that the time has come for us to provide new guards for our future security.
The government compelling innocent people to pay for a drivers license, license plates, and insurance ere they may utilize their property to travel is a violation of the fourth amendment and it punishes the innocent for the actions of others. We are not secure in our effects if the government is paying men with guns to unreasonably seize our property and search us for refusal to display their evidence that we have payed them. I understand that driving a motorized vehicle can be a potentially dangerous endeavor however that does not justify being compelled by men with guns to pay ere doing so.
Going to the gun range to practice shoot can be potentially dangerous to others, one training in martial arts can be potentially dangerous to others training, or any other number of things we do that can be potentially dangerous to others we do not need to pay for licenses or insurance first. Therefore using "it is potentially dangerous to others" as a means to steal is not justifiable. As free innocent men we have the right to do potentially dangerous things around each other with care and only be held accountable or have to pay after we cause harm or loss with our actions. Never before.
Furthermore to compel innocent people to pay for insurance because a few have been unable to pay for the damages they are responsible for causing is a punishment to the innocent for the actions of others. When one is responsible for causing damages they may be held accountable but not before lest their rights be violated. It’s truly that simple.
We should be asking ourselves why can people not pay for damages they are responsible for causing as opposed to asking how we should be punishing people for their reduction into absolute despotism. We should be ensuring that all have the opportunity to provide for themselves well enough to pay for their mistakes, not make it more difficult to survive by punishing innocent people for the actions of others. Mind you this is not the only example of the innocent being punished for the actions of others in our society, this happens so often in our society we have become blind and desensitized to all the different ways we are being punished for the actions of others.
On a daily basis for generations the state and federal governments have been reaching into our pockets without our consent. From property tax to income tax to sales tax and more we are stolen from, and the police and military are paid through this theft to keep this theft going. We are not secure in our effect if the government is stealing from us in order to fund men with guns compelling us to obey. Paying taxes becomes even more deplorable when we take into consideration we know not what evils we fund as our governments are not transparent. We must refuse to continue to fund the government's evils lest we lose our innocence, for should we stand idly by watching while this evil runs rampant with our funding we will be just as responsible for its actions.
In conclusion our current system is absolutely disgusting in this regard and must be altered and abolished for the sake of the innocent. The Supreme Court and it’s rulings are to be thrown into the garbage and disregarded by true patriots of a free country as they’ve proven to violate the rights of the innocent, not protect them. Together we are strong!